Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Coronation of the nuc!

So today's news is a little interesting... We have been observing the nuc for the past couple of weeks because there was a huge problem, an absence of bees. The entrance of the hive has been very weak, it seemed almost vacant. Although I didn't post it, we checked for a queen a few days ago. We opened the hive and to our disappointment we couldn't find a queen, nor could we find the three cells that we observed earlier [last post]. After looking through the frames it was evident that the bees were definitely diminishing. Well, not good news, so we scratched our heads a bit and thought what could be going on. Well, the only plausible scenario is that the queen bee was out on a mating flight. This seemed highly unlikely and it would be a huge coincident,but it's possible.
That leads us to today's event... Because things were looking so bare, we figured we should check out the nuc and see "what we have left". As we approached, my dad told me to "quick, check this out!" I ran over there, looked, and sure enough there she was. The queen herself flying right in front of the entrance about to land. This was the first queen I had ever seen. She was twice the size of any other bee, and she looked b-e-a-youtuhful. So I quickly threw together some 1:1 sugar:water and started feeding them. Hopefully this queen is ready to get to work, and the nuc will finally take off!

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